This is a space where we can post practice SACs and use conferencing to upskill our abilities. Participating in a variety of editing processes is fundamental to developing writing competency. We will use Diigo to highlight, comment and bookmark each others' posts. We will do this in collaboration with La Trobe University Diploma of Education English Method students who are kindly going to participate in our blog as expert voices.

Diigo: A collaborative web tool that can be used for conferencing each others' writing.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Student Practice SAC 2011

War has a damaging effect on all those involved. Do you agree?

War does have a damaging effect on all those involved. Not only the soldiers do it tough, but also the families back home, the Vietnamese people and even the reader it some sort of effect on. Bernard Edelman, the editor of the text ‘Dear America’, has composed a series of letters wrote by soldiers fighting in Vietnam, to express to the reader their thoughts, and all the damage that has been done. The photographs at the start of each chapter send a message to the reader how much it has affected all of them through the process of what they went through.

All of the soldiers in the Vietnam War all experienced the worst experiences and saw the most horrible sights. Some soldiers witnessed their friends being shot right in front of their eyes, and had to shoot others. Even after the war has passed, the soldiers would’ve still not been able to get the images they wish to forget, out of their minds. This therefore would’ve put terrible things in the soldiers mind, making mental problems occur to majority of the soldiers. Being away from their families made the soldiers value what they have, and appreciate everything back at home much more than usual. The solders witnessed a lot of heartbreaks, with them being so far away from their families and them not knowing if they were going to survive and ever see them again, and seeing their friends be killed right in front of their eyes. That brought the soldiers even more determined to win the war and work with their mates to get back home safe to their families.

Vietnam was the country where the war was taken place in, which completely destroyed what was once a beautiful place. Also all of the Vietnamese people who were badly injured and even were killed during the time of the war. Even now, the damaging effects still exist from the war, for example the tunnels and the orphanage history.

The families, friends, and loved ones of the soldiers were also somewhat damaged by the Vietnam War. All everyone back home would do was worry about their loved one out at war and if they’ll ever see them again. And unfortunately some never did, therefore lot of the families also suffered a great amount of grief. It brought stress and strain on relationships and the families, especially if the soldier had a wife and children back home. As one of the soldiers mentions that “its great to know your family’s safe, living in a secure country; a country made by thousands upon thousands of men who have dies for that country.” The soldiers are glad that their families back home are safe, but the families can’t feel the same as the soldiers, because they are the ones not in danger or risk of never returning back home. The families try to accept the fact that their loved one is out there doing what he can for his country.

Overall war does have a damaging effect on all those involved, and not just at the time of the war, everyone involved had to live with the damage that had been done and the sights that they saw, and some never overcame those issues. Many of the soldiers believed that the war was pointless and “what am I doing here?” War caused a lot of damage, and it has an impact on the reader feeling sorry for the soldiers.

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